SSR previews without changing your front-end code

The simplest approach to previews I've found so far

Backstory: how I got to this method

Back in September 2018, I published a guide on how to do live previews to react websites with Sanity which relied on listening to data changes from the client-side.

This works okay, but requires you to change your components and front-end code. Previews should be table-stakes for editorial experience, but when projects are running late they often get de-prioritized. That's why I started using the method below.

The easiest way to provide web previews for content: fetching the draft version of documents if the requested URL includes a ?preview=true query parameter.


This only works in server-side rendering (SSR) contexts. If you're using static site generators like GatsbyJS, Eleventy or Bridgetown, you'll need to approach previews differently. If your site is built with a reactive framework like React, Svelte, or Vue, my guide on client-side previews may help 😊

Here's an example with SvelteKit for a blog post route handler:

import { sanityClient } from '$lib/client';

// If requests include a ?preview=true query parameter, we're in preview mode
export function isPreview(request) {
	return Boolean(request.url.searchParams?.get('preview'));

export const get = async (event) => {
	const { slug } = event.params;
	const data = await sanityClient.fetch(/* groq */`{
    "post": *[
			_type == "post" &&
			slug.current == $slug
      // If not in preview, only show published documents
			${isPreview(event) ? '' : '&& !(_id in path("drafts.**"))'}
				? // In preview, get draft if existent - it'll have the freshest _updatedAt
				  '| order(_updatedAt desc)'
				: ''
			..., // your query here
		{ slug }

  if (! {
    return {
      status: 404

	return {
		status: 200,
		body: data,

The three main parts of the code above:

  • We define if we're in preview mode by checking the "preview" query parameter and converting it to a boolean
  • If we're not in preview, exclude draft documents (!(_id in path("drafts.**")) in the query's filter)
  • If we are in preview, give preference to drafts
    • We could query only drafts, but if the document was published and didn't have a draft, the page would return a 404.
    • Instead, we order all documents that match the given slug by their _updatedAt value. As drafts are the freshest, they'll always show up first.
    • However, if no draft is present, the published version will show up.

If the GROQ query above is unclear, my tiny course for the language may help you 😊

Accessing previews from the Sanity studio

An example of the preview UI in the Sanity studio

To replicate the UI above, you can use Simeon Griggs' great sanity-plugin-iframe-pane and add it as a custom view to previewable documents.

If you don't have a custom structure builder, start by following the official docs on custom document views.

// /deskStructure.js
import S from '@sanity/desk-tool/structure-builder';
import { EarthGlobeIcon, EditIcon } from '@sanity/icons';
import Iframe from 'sanity-plugin-iframe-pane';

// Replace with your own approach to getting the URL for each document
function resolveProductionUrl(document) {
	return slugToAbsUrl(
			_type: document._type,
			slug: document.slug?.current

// Example where only the homepage, case studies & posts are previewable
const previewableTypes = ['home', 'caseStudy', 'post'];

 * Defines views/tabs for each content type.
export const getDefaultDocumentNode = (props) => {
	if (!previewableTypes.includes(props.schemaType)) {
		return S.document().views(S.view.form());

	return S.document().views([
				defaultSize: 'desktop',
				url: (doc) => resolveProductionUrl(doc) + '?preview=true',
				reload: {
					button: true

Want to have live previews that change as users edit? In my experience, this is more of a wasteful distraction than a useful feature - I want to focus on writing most of the time and only check how it'll visually look every once in a while.

But, if that's your jam, you can pass the document's _rev version id as a separate query parameter in the URL to constantly refresh the iFrame as users edit the content.

    defaultSize: 'desktop',
    url: (doc) => resolveProductionUrl(doc) + `?preview=true&_rev=${doc._rev}`,
    reload: {
      button: true


And that's it! You'll need to change your GROQ queries slightly, but compared to changing components and creating dedicated preview routes, this method is much simpler than my previous iteration 😊